Indig tips (5)
If you find your conversation skills a bit predictable, you can use great lines from movies to spice up your comments and create a feeling of shared cultural belonging.
Example: Houston, we have a problem! This famous line was used in a movie called Apollo 13. If you haven’t seen it, your acquaintances probably have and will be able to relate to it.
If you are already comfortable throwing great lines from movies around, you may want to enhance them. Example: Houston, we have a solution! This line could work well in team-building exercises to show that you have both understood what positive thinking is all about and that you are a fun person.
Once your reputation as a clever and cinematografic person is solidly founded, you are qualified for the Freestyle Level. Example: Houston, we have a shuttle! If your acquaintances merely look puzzled you can explain the joke without seeming condescending by adding: It’s called Apollo 13! … eh… It’s also a great movie!... And they also had a problem! Like us! But not the same!
(You should, however, be aware that the conversational success rate of the Freestyle Level is only between 6 and 8 percent at best, and that it drops sharply with every explanation.)
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