Monday, September 13, 2004


Karl was as surprised as his colleagues. Was that his voice, were those his words, was that what he really believed?

- Home is where you go when you cannot postpone it any longer.

What a terrible blunder, what a strange thing to say over coffee a normal Tuesday afternoon. Karl tried to cover it up; he smiled like a very tired cheerleader and continued:

- In a manner of speaking of course, what I meant was that you can't expect to live your live in a sheltered, protected area, sometimes you have to face reality.

That explanation did not really improve things.

That night, when Karl again woke up, next to his sleeping wife, drenched with sweat in the dark dog hours, and knew that he couldn't stand it anymore, he quietly slipped out of the bed, took his wallet and his badge and left. Karl went home to the office.


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